136. Snegin E.A., Artemchuk O. Yu. Morphogenetic analysis of Helix pomatia L. (Pulmonata, Helicidae) populations from south-eastern and eastern parts of the modern area //Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 152–162.
Based on the analysis of the morphological and genetic variability detected by the method of the
protein gel electrophoresis in PAAG, the gene pool state of twelve adventive Helix pomatia L. grape snail pop
ulations under the conditions of urbanized landscapes of southeastern and eastern parts of the modern area.
According to the data obtained, most of the studied populations of this mollusk are in a satisfactory state. This
is illustrated by the large values of their efficient numbers, the high level of heterozygosity, and decreased
inbreeding. The structure of the population gene pools of the grape snail in the researched region is deter
mined by their origin, geneticautomatic processes, and microclimatic conditions of the urban environment.