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ASLO meeting: Lagoons and Salt Lakes Under Climatic Changes
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Автор:  Igor Dovgal [ 23 дек 2009, 17:56 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  ASLO meeting: Lagoons and Salt Lakes Under Climatic Changes

Dear friends,
I suggested and will be a chair of session on ASLO meeting(http://www.sgmeet.com/aslo/santafe2010/sessionlist.asp): S11: Lagoons and Salt Lakes Under Climatic Changes

Organizers: Nickolai Shadrin, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Sevastopol, Ukraine, snickolai@yandex.ru; Genuario Belmonte, Salentino University, Italy,
genuario.belmonte@unisalento.it and Sergey Olenin, Klaipeda University, Lithuania, serg@gmf.ku.lt

Lagoons and salt lakes are first water bodies demonstrating different drastic responses on climatic changes. Warming leads to many changes of them: salinisation,
temporary drying, transformation of communities. As a result, economical and social values transform. Knowledge about possible changes are needed for mitigation of
negative results and developing strategies for sustainable use of water bodies under climatic changes.

I hope you will take part in it5 and send abstract as soon as possible..
Please, also send me you suggestion on this.

All the best!
Sincerely yours,
Dr.Nickolai Shadrin,
senior researcher,
Institute of Biology of the Southern seas,
2,Nakhimov ave.,
Sevastopol 99011,

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