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Здравствуйте. Нашла этот вид в Нижнем Новгороде. Видимо тоже откуда-то завезли.
Сегодня утром получил сообщение из Борка, что наша заявка на проведение конференции, поданная в РФФИ, получила поддержку фонда.
57 лет в Институте он проработал. Похороны в субботу. Игорь Моисеевич родился 28 сентября 1934 года в г. Свердловске. В 1958 г....

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 Заголовок сообщения: Florida United Malacologists (FUM) 2016 - First Announcement
СообщениеДобавлено: 10 окт 2015, 21:10 
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Зарегистрирован: 01 янв 2009, 15:45
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Florida United Malacologists (FUM) 2016 - First Announcement

Save the Date: The seventh meeting of Florida United Malacologists (FUM)
will take place on Saturday, February 20, 2016, at The Bailey-Matthews
National Shell Museum on Sanibel Island, Florida. The one-day gathering aims
to enhance communication among professional, collectors, citizen scientists,
students, and everyone in-between, with topics covering a broad range of
subjects in malacology.

FUM follows the pattern of similar informal gatherings such as BAM (Bay Area
Malacologists), SCUM (Southern California United Malacologists), MAM
(Mid-Atlantic Malacologists), and OVUM (Ohio Valley United Malacologists).
There is no formal membership and there are no dues, officers, nor
publications. Presentations are limited to 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for
questions. Presenters are required to submit a brief abstract limited to
150 words or less. The gathering will be free to presenters and
pre-registered participants.

Visits to the Shell Museum collection and library will be limited to two
days prior to the gathering, Thursday, February 18, and Friday, February 19.
Box lunches and dinner at a local restaurant (to be arranged) will be
available to participants and presenters. We'll soon be sending reservation
information and web links. Seating is limited, so please return the
reservation form prior to January 10, 2016.

Please send inquiries to Dr. José H. Leal, at jleal@shellmuseum.org. The
deadline for submission of abstracts is January 10, 2016. The FUM program,
including abstracts and times of presentations, will be posted on the Shell
Museum web site, www.shellmuseum.org, shortly after the abstract submission

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Часовой пояс: UTC + 3 часа

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