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Форум малакологов

The 19th Congress of UNITAS MALACOLOGICA (UM) 2016
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Автор:  Konstantin Lutaenko [ 01 июл 2015, 19:36 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  The 19th Congress of UNITAS MALACOLOGICA (UM) 2016

The 19th Congress of UNITAS MALACOLOGICA (UM) will be on July 18-24, 2016 in Penang, MALAYSIA


The conference is organised to allow for a dynamic, forward-looking exchange where representatives from academia, conservation, restoration and government from around the world can share research, case studies, and projects covering all aspects of molluscs.

The topics of interest for The Science at the symposium include:

Ecology of Marine Molluscs

Freshwater Bivalves of The World: Diversity, Distribution, Evolution & Ecology

“How to quantify shell form?”

Integrating Molecules, Morphology, Biology & Biogeography in “Opisthobranch” Research

Integrative Research on Molluscan Phylogenetics: A Tribute to the Late Professor Salvini-Plawen

Molluscan Aquaculture in a Changing Climate

Molluscan Biodiversity & Biogeography in the Indo-West Pacific

Morphology Based Systematics in Action

Planktic Gastropod

Predators of Molluscs

Tsunami and marine life in Asia

Full registration,

€ 320 early bird

€ 350

Автор:  Konstantin Lutaenko [ 14 янв 2016, 20:01 ]
Заголовок сообщения:  Re: The 19th Congress of UNITAS MALACOLOGICA (UM) 2016


A reminder to all interested participants that the Unitas Malacologica WCM 2016 travel grant application will be due on 1st February 2016. That's 3 more weeks to go!


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